tisdag 23 april 2013

Killer rabbits behind the hedges

Horse is a prey animal. His first instinct is to vanish into the horizon as fast as possible, if he thinks that there may be some dangerous fiend jumping after him, such as horse eating rabbit. There is no other thought going through a horse’s brain at that particular moment but to get away right now, let’s see later on if it was in fact needed.

Well, there are no such things as killer rabbits, but how would the horses know? No-one has ever told them… or even how they look like. But the instinct is there, and they will have to obey it.

Our Jack had these kinds of spooky days every now and then. Rustle in the bushes or any type of strange sound made him spook or jump sideways. What helped during hacks was to kick him on. Once I was having a nice and early morning hack in the fields with some lovely fast canters. But I was a bit sleepy still and did not react fast enough into one sideways jump in the middle of an uphill canter, and so he did another one, and I fell off sideways. Gaaaahk, and I was properly winded… well, luckily nothing was broken and Jack was munching grass beside me like nothing had ever happened and this was the most natural thing to do whilst hacking out. I hopped on him again (luckily managed to climb on him!) and straight to canter and continue our hack. That is the best way to get rid of any nagging fears; just get on with it and properly! I proceeded to do some real nice and fast trot and canter work before returning to the stables. And made sure that I reacted fast enough to any hint of any spookiness.

If Jack did not want to pass some obviously hugely dangerous spots, like gates, we stopped him, backed him up, stopped, moved forward, etc. Sometimes we’d turn him around and back towards the way we wanted to go etc. So, we kept him in motion and schooled him extra, slowly approaching the item of the devil…
In the school it helped to keep him in constant motion in trot and make him do tasks continuously. That is, lots of transitions, some laterals, and massive amounts of circle work. He would then after a while settle and forget about the horse eating killer rabbits.

Our teddybear Finnhorse is a completely different kettle of fish. Backing up does not work with him – he backs up even more. But what does help is to keep him in a tiny circle. That is, I turn him where he wants to go or the way he is leaning to so that his head is almost touching me (other hand gives a loose rein), and woops, he is suddenly back the way I want to go. I make a volt without him realising what is happening. Then I ask him to move forward with my legs. If he doesn’t move, I do another small circle. And so on. He usually gives up and moves forward after a couple circles.

It is really important that you observe and try out immediately in the beginning, what works with your horse in these kinds of situations. It may be backing up, laterals, turning around, circling… if one thing does not work, try something else, or combination of things. You have to be smarter and faster than your horse.

Will Faerber has a very good comment on spooky horses in his blog. 
I did this as well with our boy. That is, I strengthened his spookiness with stopping and letting him look at the dangerous thing while patting him! Woops, shouldn’t have done that…

Early last winter, when the days were getting shorter, our boy started to spook on one side of the school or even all sides every now and then. We thought that he was scared of the darkness and shadows beyond the lit school. Sometimes he was good, but other times he was so bad that we were able to ride only on a circle in the middle of the school! As mentioned earlier, with Jack we’d always put him to work, but this did not work with our Finnhorse, who actually became even spookier as the schooling went on. And at the same time unbeknownst to me I was strengthening the spookiness by letting him stop at the dangerous spots to have a look while I patted him… So, I was doing things pretty wrong.

Well, winter came and the school became pretty bad at times. It melted one day and got refrozen another, so was impossible to ride for a couple weeks. But we could just about lunge our boy in the school. After the school was ok again for riding we were completely astonished to find out that he did not spook anymore in any part of the school!!

Lunging solved our problem with his spookiness with 100% efficacy! We lunged him in every part of the school; just basically let him go until he calmed down. And then when we started riding again, we had read Faerber’s advice and did not reward his spooking. This problem has not returned and if it does, we know what to do. On the other hand, this may be also due to our new classical training style (á la Faerber); our boy has become even more relaxed due to it.

Thus, depending on the horse, spookiness may be worked away with making him work harder or by lunging. But in any case, do not reward spookiness with stopping, patting etc.. Avoid putting your own attention into perceived spooky things as this already draws his attention to it as well. If you are tensing up, your horse will surely follow suit and tense up as well.

Don’t let the killer rabbits rage around your horse! Lets face the problems and solve them intelligently.

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