Our first aim in August was just to keep
him going forward with good pace, long and low. This meant that we had to run
with him quite often and touch his hind quarters with the whip. Training
sessions were simple. If we lunged, then it was some 5-10min of walking, then
10-15min of trotting, change of rein and the same thing. We kept at various
circle sizes; sometimes it was nearly the whole school (20x40m), mostly 20x20m,
and occasionally smaller. We very rarely stood still in the middle of a circle, on the contrary, our style is to walk or run with the horse. This way it is also easy to vary the size of the lunging circle and avoid any extra stress to the horse's feet that staying always in a small circle could bring about. If we rode, we always lunged first to warm him up. It
was a shorter repeat of the above, first walking then trotting on both hands.
Aim to keep the pace and ask him to stretch. Then when riding, it was just as
simple: first walking for at least 10min changing rein every now and then, and
then trotting for at least 25-30min changing rein at times. Aim again was to
stretch long and low, and keep the pace, nothing else. We also stayed in a big
oval in the school neverminding the corners. No transitions or stops, just pure
walk or pure trot.
This actually improved him relatively
quickly. We had to encourage him to move quite a lot at first, but gradually we
did less and less. By mid September I was in tears one day when, after 3 days
of only lunging, I rode and suddenly felt a new power in his stride. What
happened was that he lifted his back for the first time when I was riding. Now
that was a revelation! By that time I had sent a third submission to Will for
evaluation of our lunging with chambon. The message from that was to keep on
mainly lunging, and I agreed. I had just gotten a taster of how much better our
boy was going with just 3 days of pure lunging in a row… So, there, in mid September,
started our more coordinated training. We were now lunging the week and riding
in the weekends. This became our standard for the coming months. (he did have a day off per week as well! And some easier lunge days in only a head collar... ;)
Lunging became as intricate as riding,
demanding the same amount of concentration, observation, timing, and actions. I
kept on watching his footfalls, urging him on if he did not overtrack in walk
or nearly track up in trot. If he did not start to work over his back in due
time, I would bring him in a slightly smaller circle pushing him on, and when
he responded with a good stretch I would release the pressure and walk him into
a bigger circle.
October went in similar style, and we felt
his power grow every week. Next submission to Will was a compilation of ourwork in October. The improvement was very clear alright.
In November we started to include other
work into our training. This was some leg yielding while riding, pole work and
the occasional canter work-out. I adopted Will’s advice to leg yielding since
it was so very logical. And it did work. Our Teddybear now had enough muscle
that he could yield with much more ease than he had before. And since I also
had a different attitude to it, it became an easy task. By no means were the
yields perfect, but they were a lot nicer than what we had done before. I kept
concentrating on the pace, rhythm, maintaining stretch, and my position. And it
was a bonus, if our boyo floated off sideways.
With pole work, I would set one pole down
and then first walk him over it and then trot over it. Again concentrating on
pace, rhythm, stretch. And of course aiming in the middle of the pole. And
canter work as Will presented it; short canters, and returning to a good
working trot with a stretch in between. Thus making sure that the trot works
perfectly before asking for another canter transition.
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